Wonderful as always Gavin, and delighted to say we have been supporters for Kiva for as long as you. Such a great way to support others in the world.

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Kudos to you, James. Kiva does make it very easy to make a significant difference to people's lives with a relatively small contribution. I'm pleased to know a fellow supporter.

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So inspiring to see women beautiful, inside and out, despite their apparent lack of material supply. The universe readily supplies...especially to those who are deserving and selfless. It never fails. Virtue is its own reward every time.

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It's also true, in my experience, that it's often those who have the least who give the most.

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So true. Good point, Gavin. The very wealthy often give the least. And those less well off, the ones who still have hearts, give the most. I recall myself, in my early twenties, on a limited salary, giving generously of both my time and money. I recall in the bible something about the likelihood of the rich going to heaven is like a camel passing through the eye of a needle, or something to that effect.

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